BodyFX and MiniFX

BodyFX and MiniFX are non-invasive body contouring treatments that reduce fat and cellulite. These treatments offer a safe and effective way to achieve your desired body shape without surgery.
Are you battling persistent body fat stored in the most stubborn areas? Or perhaps, encountering cellulite that refuses to budge? Relax! Arm yourself with knowledge and not anxiety. Read on as we reveal the key to unlocking your journey to confident beauty – and it’s much simpler than you might think.

What Are BodyFX & MiniFX?

Enter the realm of BodyFX and MiniFX – state-of-the-art, non-invasive treatments focused on addressing problematic body fats and cellulite. These innovative treatments work miracles by safely delivering RF energy and negative pressure.

This combination not only melts away stubborn fat but also contracts the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite and providing a more contoured and smoother silhouette.

While the BodyFX targets larger body areas like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, the MiniFX works its magic on smaller areas like the arms, neck, and other hard-to-reach places.

Think of these two as partners in crime, helping you restore your body’s natural curve and beauty.

Advantages of BodyFX and MiniFX

It’s worth noting that BodyFX and MiniFX are truly beauty treatments of the future – efficient, non-invasive, and high on delivering results! Here are some of their advantages:

Non-Invasive & Pain-Free. These treatments require no incisions or anesthesia. The feeling is similar to a warmed deep-tissue massage.


Skin Tightening. While most fat reduction treatments may leave you with loose skin, BodyFX and MiniFX trigger collagen production, which tightens and rejuvenates your skin.


Versatile & Dynamic. From larger areas like your abdomen to petite sites like your arms, these treatments cater to various body parts.


No Downtime. As non-invasive procedures, BodyFX and MiniFX come with zero downtime. You can return to your daily routine immediately after the session.

The BodyFX and MiniFX Experience

During your BodyFX or MiniFX treatment, you’ll feel a gentle pulling sensation as your skin is drawn towards the device, followed by a warm, soothing feeling as the energy is delivered to the targeted area. While the duration can vary depending on the area being treated, sessions usually last for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Aftercare Tips

Aftercare for BodyFX and MiniFX is straightforward:
  1. Drinking water helps facilitate the removal of fat deposits from the body.
  2. To maximize and sustain your results, continue leading a healthy lifestyle. That includes regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Are You Ready for BodyFX and MiniFX?

These treatments are the perfect answer for anyone struggling with stubborn fat or cellulite. Whether you’ve just begun your fitness journey or you’re close to your weight goal but are facing some stubborn hold-outs, BodyFX and MiniFX could be your ideal companions.

BodyFX and MiniFX in Fayetteville, NC

At Allure Aesthetics & Medical Spa in Fayetteville, NC, your healthy, radiant beauty is our priority. We specialize in partnering with our clients to chart customized beauty journeys with innovative, tested, and reliable treatments like BodyFX and MiniFX. Embrace beauty powered by advanced technology but grounded in the belief of enhancing your natural glow.

Ready to redefine your curves and boost your confidence? Call us today, and let’s circle back to you and your beauty story!